20th October, 10am-4pm Town Hall Upper Chamber

Schedule of Events
10am – Doors open
11am – Guided tours of interesting buildings in the High Street
1pm – Talk by the lead Archaeologist at Thame Meadows (Bloor Homes site)
2:30pm – Guided tours of interesting buildings in the High Street
4pm – Thame History Fair closes
Hosted by Thame Museum, the Fair will platform several historical, archaeological and architectural societies and organisations, including repeat visits from The John Hampden Society, The Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society, Haddenham Museum, Sparks Artists and Bucks Young Archaeologists.
We will also be welcoming new attendees such as Edward Caswell, the Oxfordshire Finds Liaison Officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme, with the Oxford Blues Detectorists and The Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum.
Chris Ellis from OCA (Oxford Cotswold Archaeology) will be giving a talk, bringing us up to date with what has been happening in the nine years since the Site F dig. To accompany the talk, there will be a film, never before shown in public, giving further insights into the Site F dig.
It is also hoped that the much anticipated and nationally important Site F Publication will be launched at the Fair.
There will be several audio visual displays running throughout the day, including a PowerPoint rolling display, made by Paul Green of Princes Risborough.